This library provides low level functionality for XML-RPC communications. It allows a developer to create a communication library for their program without have to worry about the network details.


The Makefile provided expects you to have setup the environment vairables $GOROOT and $GOARCH as instructed in the Go setup guide. If you do not have these, you can still compile the project manually.


Go into the 'xmlrpc' sub-directory.
Type 'make install'

This will compile the library and install it in your $GOROOT/pkg directory. It is safe to run this to upgrade the library as well. To remove simply type make nuke in the same directory you typed install.


Create a new xmlrpc.RemoteMethod with your endpoint and method and the Call it. For example to list all blogs a user has on a wordpress site:

listBlogs := xmlrpc.RemoteMethod{
	Endpoint: "",
	Method: "wp.getUsersBlogs",

username := "testuser"
password := "hunter2"

result, error := listBlogs.Call(username, password)

result will be of type ParamValue and will require a type assertion to do much with. Read more about ParamValues on the wiki.


Ben Olive <>

Fork me on GitHub